Friday 8 April 2011

Question 3: What Kind Of Media Institution Might Distribute Your Media Product And Why?

In my opinion, the media institution that would be best to distribute my magazine would be IPC Media. This is partly due to the fact that they are the UK's leading consumer magazine publisher - meaning my product would be able to be available to a wide range of people in different locations across the country. This then allows my target market can be reached more effectively, and my magazine should continue to rise in popularity simultaneously to the genre - which is already growing.
Another factor that would make this institution a suitable distributor, is that it is already an established publisher in the UK - meaning my audience will therefore have a pre-existing trust of the company as they produce some of the most popular magazines like NME. Whereas on the other hand, if the company was unheard of it would make the magazine disreputable from the start, therefore decreasing its potential to succeed.
However, a downfall with using a company this mainstream is the fact that my magazine is quite unique, and a fairly niche market. This could potentially mean that it would not be as appealing to potential buyers compared to other magazines. For example, a magazine like Complex is published by it's own, independant publisher - Complex Media Network. Therefore, everything is very focused on the target market of '20 something males' and other forms of media have branched off of this, which the audience has followed.

Another institution I considered was Harris Publications. These would also have been well suited to my magazine as they're products are fairly specific to individual target markets, rather than a mainstream producer - for example, some of their titles include 'Celebrity Hairstyles' and 'Men's Workout'. Another factor that would have made them a good institution to distribute my magazine is the fact that they produce 'XXL' magazine - a magazine similar in both genre and style to mine. This would mean people would associate my magazine with the distributor of an already successful product that many of my target market may already be purchasing. The only downfall is that the Harris may not want two of the same style magazines, as there is not a big enough market to keep up sales figures for their existing product. Therefore I decided against them as a potential distributor.
Therefore I have decided that I would want my magazine to be published by IPC Media. The unique selling point of my magazine (the showcasing of new talent within the hip-hop industry) would hopefully entice the company to distribute my magazine - as there is a potential gap in the market due to lack of similar products. 

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