Friday 8 April 2011

Question 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

On the left is the artist I chose to use as my cover star, with the same image. On the right is the artist Eminem, who I feel is most similar - and therefore would appeal to a similar market. Both artists share the unique factor that they are white male rappers in a market dominated by mainly blacks. This perhaps breaks the convention of rap magazines, as 9 times out of 10 a black artist will feature - making my magazine unique and intriguing. I chose to style my artist in a similar way, with the 'hood up' look. Eminem often uses this image and therefore displays another similarity. The main difference between the two however, is the age difference. Eminem is now 38, whereas my artist is 17 - although I do not think this affects the appearance, as Alex does not look 'too young' to be a convincing rapper. My audience will associate the cover artist with rappers such as Eminem, or other white rappers like Mac Miller purely on appearance. This gives my magazine some credibility as due to the success of Eminem over his career a younger, uprising talent would be of interest to many of them.

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